Atascadero Horsemen's Club
PO Box 2756 - Atascadero, CA 93423-2756
Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month (except August) at different locations. You can contact our club President for current information.
Program begins at 6:45 p.m., and the General Meeting begins at 7:45 p.m. (There are no meetings in the months of August and December). Depending on the Program, some meetings are held at other locations such as a local arena. It is best to contact someone in the group to make sure where the meeting is.
February President's Note:
My Fellow Equestrian Tribe,
Happy Valentines Day Month. I hope you get to spend the day with a loved one or friend. We are off to a good start for the new year. We have a new place to gather for our general meetings that seem to be a hit with our members. Thank you everyone, for sticking with us through change in the coming months.
I’m grateful to our community who really stepped it up and donated their time and resources to all those fellow equestrians affected by the Southern California Wildfires. Those folks continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
We have an exciting program this month at our general meeting. Katrina Sanders will be speaking on Working Equitation. This is a great introduction to the very popular discipline that is taking the horse world by storm. Working Equitation has levels for all types of horses and riders. We are fortunate to have her locally and I appreciate her sharing her information with our club.
I’d also like to take an opportunity this month and once again announce that Dave Fretwell is our 2024 Member of the Year. I announced this at our holiday party as Dave was in attendance. This club appreciates everything he has done with the trail rides and hosting of gatherings. Dave is a wealth of knowledge and are fortunate to have him in our group. Congratulations again Dave. Well deserved!
“All You Need Is Love and a Horse”
Lindamae Suprinski, AHC President